How to make your garden a bird paradise
It is easy to make birds enjoy your garden, you only have to do a few things.

Project 1. Always make sure there is water in your ponds
​If you have little ponds in your garden with water in, you should probably see some birds bathing in it. There will be lots of bird bathing in your pond if it is clean.
The birds also like to bath under the gardenhose sprayer.

Project 2. Make a bird feeder
​Bird feeders attract birds according to the food you put out. See what kind of food attracts which birds. It is also a way to watch birds at any time. You don't have to search for the birds, they will come to you. (Just make sure not to over feed them. They are made to find their own food.)
Lots of birds like fruit, for instance if you have apple in your feeder you will probably see Bulbuls, Cape White-eyes and some Barbets.

Project 3. Make a nectar feeder
Nectar feeders attract nectar eating birds like Bulbuls, White-eyes and Sunbirds.
Make your own nectar feeder and nectar easily with these instructions.

Project 4. What attracts birds to your garden
You should try to find out what the birds in your garden like to eat. If you want to watch White-eyes you should put fruit in your bird feeder and plant plants which produce berries. Some birds search for insects that hide under leaves on the ground. Some weavers like Palm trees because they use little pieces of the leaves which they the rip apart to build their nests.
If you spend time watching birds in your garden, you will soon learn what make birds stay in your garden.