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Malachite Sunbird
Bird of the month for April 2017

The Malachite Sunbird is bird of the month because:
Sometimes in late atumn or early winter when the flowers with nectar blooms a Sunbird visitor comes to our garden, and usually it's a female Whitebellied Sunbird. But this time it was a Malachite female!
It's bird of the month because it is the first time we had this beautiful visitor!
Broad-billed Roller
Bird of the month for March 2017

The Broad-billed Roller is bird of the month because:
We went to Punda Maria in the Kruger National Park in March. I always wanted to see this beautiful bird. And we were very happy to see it when we were at Pafuri. It's a new bird on my list!
Read about our trip...
Whiskered Tern
Bird of the month for January 2017

The Whiskered Tern is bird of the month because:
I went to a dam near us early in the morning to photograph birds. The Whiskered Tern came to the dam after a while. I watched it flying close to the water and eventually it caught something.
See facts about it by clicking on the button below.
White-throated Swallow
Bird of the month for December 2016

The White-throated Swallow is bird of the month because:
We visited Marievale Bird Sanctuary this month and saw a lot of interesting birds. But this particular species caught our attention, because it had a nest in a specific hide. It was interesting to watch her search for food and fly into the hide to feed her chicks.
Read more by clicking on the button below.
Diederik Cuckoo
Bird of the month for November 2016

The Diederik Cuckoo is bird of the month because:
This bird's distinctive call can be heard in spring and early summer. We heard it a lot during November. This is a migrating bird although it's only found in Africa and a part of Asia.
See facts about this bird by clicking on the button below.
Little Grebe
Bird of the month for October 2016

Little Grebe is bird of the month because:
We went to a dam early in the morning to watch birds. There were a few kinds of birds but the one species was getting our attention with interesting behaviour... Read more about this by clicking on the button below.
Masked Weaver
Bird of the month for September 2016

Southern Masked Weaver is bird of the month because:
These Weavers start breeding mainly in September. This month they were very busy building nests. Now some nests already have chicks inside, while other weavers are still building nests and searching for mates.
See facts on nesting habits of weavers by clicking on the button below.
Red-eyed Bulbul
Bird of the month for August 2016

Red-eyed Bulbul is bird of the month because:
Although it is a common bird they are around the whole year, not only in summer. We saw them a lot this winter, they were very active, eating from the birdfeeders and the nectar feeders also attracted them. Watch the video by clicking on the button below.
Yellow-breasted Apalis
Bird of the month for
July 2016

Yellow-breasted Apalis is bird of the month because:
We went to the Kruger National Park and Hoedspruit in July. We saw the Yellow-breasted apalis quite often. It was my first sighting of this beautiful bird.
Read more about our trip by clicking on the button below.
Cape Glossy Starling
Bird of the month for
December 2015

Cape Glossy Starling is bird of the month because:
Our Cape Glossy Starlings are superhero birds! We live in a area where Rinkals snakes are found. A while ago the Starlings in our garden went crazy and we found out it was because of the Rinkals snake...
Whitebacked Mousebird
Bird of the month for August 2015

The Whitebacked Mousebird is bird of the month because:
I saw the Whitebacked Mousebird for the first time in my life in August.
They are beautiful small birds and we were glad to see them. See our facts about Whitebacked Mousebird at bird facts.
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